12 Documentation

Package documentation is important for users to understand how to work with your code.

12.1 Bioconductor documentation minimal requirements:

  • a vignette in Rmd or Rnw format with executable code that demonstrates how to use the package to accomplish a task,

  • man pages for all exported functions with runnable examples, well documented data structures especially if not a pre-exiting class

  • well documented datasets for data provided in data/ and in inst/extdata/.

References to the methods used as well as to other similar or related projects and packages is also expected.

If data structures differ from similar packages, Bioconductor reviewers will expect some justification as to why. Keep in mind it is always possible to extend existing classes.

12.2 Vignettes

A vignette demonstrates how to accomplish non-trivial tasks embodying the core functionality of your package. There are two common types of vignettes.

  • (Recommended) An R markdown vignette is similar to a Sweave vignette, but uses markdown instead of \(\LaTeX\) for structuring text sections and resulting in HTML output. The r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("knitr") package can process most Sweave and all R markdown vignettes, producing pleasing output. Refer to Writing package vignettes for technical details. See the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("BiocStyle") package for a convenient way to use common macros and a standard Bioconductor style vignette.

  • A Sweave vignette is an .Rnw file that contains \(\LaTeX\) and chunks of code. The code chunk starts with a line <<>>=, and ends with @. Each chunk is evaluated during R CMD build, prior to \(\LaTeX\) compilation to a PDF document.

A vignette provides reproducibility: the vignette produces the same results as copying the corresponding commands into an session. It is therefore essential that the vignette embed executed code. Shortcuts (e.g., using a \(\LaTeX\) verbatim environment, or using the Sweave eval=FALSE flag, or equivalent tricks in markdown) undermine the benefit of vignettes and are generally not allowed; exceptions can be made with proper justification and are at the discretion of Bioconductor reviewers.

All packages are required to have at least one Rmd or Rnw vignette. Vignettes go in the vignettes/ directory of the package. Vignettes are often used as standalone documents, so best practices are to include an informative title, the primary author of the vignette, the last modification date of the vignette, and a link to the package landing page. We encourage the use of r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("BiocStyle") for formatting with html_document as rendering target. Something like the following in the vignette will accomplish the above suggestion:

    toc: true
    toc_depth: 2

If you want to write more than one vignette, you may want to control the order that they are displayed on the package homepage and when the browseVignettes() function is called. Vignettes will show up in alphabetical order, which may not be a logical ordering without further specification. One approach to controlling the order of the vignettes is to use a number in the VignettteIndexEntry setting, e.g. using numbers 1-9, if you have a single digit number of vignettes, or 01-99 if you have ten or more vignettes. For example, the first vignette could specify in the header:

vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{1. Quick start to MyPackage}

Some best practices and requirements for writing Bioconductor vignettes are detailed in the following sections.

12.2.1 Introduction

Add an “Introduction” section that serves as an abstract to introduce the objective, models, unique functions, key points, etc that distinguish the package from other packages in the same area. This is a requirement of Bioconductor package vignettes. It should include a short motivation for the package in general as well as motivation for inclusion of the package in Biconductor. When relevant, a brief review and comparison of packages with similar functionality or scope should be provided either in the Introduction or in a separate dedicated vignette section.

12.2.2 Installation

Add an “Installation” section that show to users how to download and load the package from Bioconductor.

These instructions and any installations instructions should be in an eval=FALSE code chunk. No where in the code ( code, man pages, vignettes, Rmd files) should someone try to install or download system dependencies, applications, packages, etc. Developers can provide instructions to follow in unevaluated code chunks, and should assume all necessary dependencies, applications or packages are already set up on a user’s system.

12.2.3 Table of contents

If appropriate, we strongly encourage a table of contents

12.2.4 Evaluated code chunks

Non-trivial executable code is a must!!!

Static vignettes are not acceptable.

12.2.5 Session information

Include a section with the SessionInfo() at the end of the vignette.

12.2.6 vignettes/ directory and intermediate files

Only the source vignette file (.Rnw or .Rmd) and any necessary static images should be in the vignette directory. No intermediate files should be present. This include complete processed vignette products as well; the vignette should be created through the R CMD build of a package. To include other types of documentation please use the inst/doc or other appropriately named inst directory.

12.2.7 References

Remember to include any relevant references to methods.

12.3 Man pages

See the Writing R Extensions section on man pages for detailed instruction or format information for documenting a package, functions, classes, and data sets.

All help pages should be comprehensive.

12.3.1 Package-level documentation

Bioconductor encourages having a package man page with an overview of the package and links to the main functions. Users should be able to have a relevant page display with ?<package name>

12.3.2 Functions and classes

All exported functions and classes need will have a man page. Man pages describing new classes must be very detailed on the structure and the type of information that is stored.

12.3.3 Data

Data man pages must include provenance information and data structure information.

12.3.4 Examples

All man pages should have an runnable examples.

The use of donttest and dontrun is discouraged and generally not allowed; exceptions can be made with proper justification and are at the discretion of Bioconductor reviewers.

If this option is used it will also be preferable to use donttest instead of dontrun; donttest requires valid code while dontrun does not.

12.4 The inst/script/ directory

The scripts in this directory can vary.

Most importantly if data was included in the inst/extdata/ directory, a related script must be present in this directory documenting very clearly how the data was generated and source information.

It should include source URLs and any key information regarding filtering or processing.

It can be executable code, sudo code, or a text description.

Users should be able to download and be able to roughly reproduce the file or object that is present as data.

12.5 Other

Other types of documentation (e.g. static files, jupyter notebooks, etc.) can be provided through inst subdirectories but do not substitute for the Bioconductor documentation requirements listed above.